Professor Cardinal Warde is the Faculty Director of MITES. His main responsibility is the intellectual content of the programs offered by the MITES office. He is a professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, and is one of the world’s leading experts on materials, devices, and systems for optical information processing and displays. Professor Warde’s current research activities are centered on the development of: compact optoelectronic neural network co-processors for brain-like computing, light modulators and projection displays based on micro-electro-mechanical systems, and high-resolution, adaptive, wavefront-phase compensation systems for imaging and optical communications. He is the co-editor of one book, and the co-author of three book chapters on optical materials and devices. In addition to publishing over 150 technical papers in these fields, he is the holder of 12 patents on spatial light modulators, displays and optical information processing systems.
Professor Warde is a fellow of the Optical Society of America, and a former Associate Editor of the Journal of Display Technology. Currently, he serves voluntarily as the Interim Executive Director of the Caribbean Science Foundation which runs the Student Program for Innovation in Science and Engineering (SPISE). SPISE is a program for gifted Caribbean students interested in pursuing careers in science and engineering. He also serves as a pro-bono scientific advisor to the Government of Barbados, as well as on the boards of a number of high-technology companies in the United States.